November 12, 2010

Back for Good

Yes, I am back for good. My attempt at keeping up with my blog had failed but I promise that will soon change. The amount of school work I have had is what stopped me from posting. I really want to put effort into the blog and will try my best to make time to do so. I have recently made a large purchase at Topshop, definitely one of my favorite stores! It is mind boggling to me that literally every time i walk into that store I always fall in live with majority of what I try on and always have a hard time narrowing the items down at the register and let me tell you this rarely happens to me (due to my extreme pickiness.) I don't know if I have ever written in my "few" post I have that I have been practicing my makeup skills since the beginning of this year. I have always loved experimenting with makeup for the most part because of my love for art which, it is truly an art. I've learned a lot from various makeup artist on youtube actually. My favorite being Pixiwoo (you should all defiantly check them out!) A couple of the following pictures of me in my vampy costume on Halloween! The others are just some pics of me practicing my makeup skills (so sorry for the horrible quality.) 

American Apparel body suit, skirt constructed by me,
Hot Topic lace gloves and necklace

My VAMPY makeup look 

This look was inspired by the fall 2010 runway looks from
designers like Prada ( as seen below) and Louis Vuitton.
This glamorous and lady like style was defiantly inspired
by the show Mad Men and I think it is so elegantly chic.